How NOT to Market Yourself in the Commercial Roofing Industry

commercial-roofing-adviceGetting your business services in front of the right people can be a complicated task. For many commercial roofers, it’s nearly impossible to rely solely on word-of-mouth advertising for steady work and growth. Either way, no matter how skilled of a team you’ve assembled, or how well you demonstrate customer service, you can’t turn a profit if no one knows about you. In this day and age, marketing is king.

Instead of the usual, “How to Market Your Business,” we’ll provide some tips on how NOT to market yourself. Avoid the following no-no’s like the plague:

1. Waiting too late in the year to send out direct mailers. Most building owners will have picked a commercial roofer by the end of summer, and sometimes even earlier. Don’t procrastinate getting your mailers together.

2. Along similar lines, don’t wait too long to do any advertising or outreach at all. Time is money, after all, and if you’re not actively marketing yourself, you’re losing ground and opportunities to the competition. The key to be both timely and consistent.

3. Marketing may be king, but commoners are still necessary to run a kingdom. In other words, don’t rely ONLY upon marketing and advertising to land commercial jobs. Times have changed, but this is still an old school market at heart. Your own initiative is both necessary and worthwhile. By combining marketing and advertising with good ol’ fashion pounding the pavement, you’ll greatly up your chances for success.

4. Thinking one singular strategy or one marketing initiative is going to be enough. The best results come when marketing campaigns are strategically blended together — for example, sending direct mail out to building owners, facility mangers, and property management groups, and then following up with those prospects with cold calling after they’ve received the direct mail. Chances are, the first time someone sees your name, they’ll move on without engaging. It’s the second and third attempts that tend to pay dividends.

5. Don’t be timid. Even if you’re uncomfortable in social situations, you’re going to need to network with local business owners. Go to local meetings where prospects for jobs are likely to meet (real estate broker events, chamber of commerce events, etc.) and mention to your existing contacts about roofing services offered. Don’t be afraid to engage in cold calling either, whether in person at strategic locations or over the phone.

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Following the advice above will greatly increase your chances for success. A prosperous business combines a talented workforce and great marketing. One without the other will only get you so far.

We hope these tips help you. If you’re looking for a company that truly understands your market and can provide the best outreach strategies, contact our team.

Top Roof Marketing is a full-service firm that focuses on the commercial roofing industry and has helped dozens of companies achieve greater success through proven tactics. Because we offer all services, you never have to worry about us swaying you a certain way. For more info, call us at 800-795-2087.